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Pella: The perfect travel location for lovers of Alexander the Great

As the week is ending, we've all said, "I can't wait for this weekend so I can relax." Believe me, I have said it probably 12 times this week. we have all needed a break from this craziness, some more than others (thank you to all of our essential workers, we love you <3). As we are waiting for the restrictions to be lifted, I thought I’d share one of the most unique places you can visit in Greece to have something to take our minds off this pandemic. As an employee of Venture Voyages, we would like to share one of our best archeological site in Greece. Visit Venture Voyages to see more about the prices and more information on busing and how to get there.    Pella  One of the most historic sites of ancient Greece, it holds a special piece in the history of ancient Macedonia and Greece. It was conquered by the romans in 167 BC and was then turned into the roman province of Macedonia. It was home to Philip II and Alexander the Great. To get the full exper

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